All posts by Site Admin

Summer Oratorio

Carissimi: Jepthe; Charpentier: Le reinement de saint pierre.

Conductor: Luke Mitchell

New College Chapel
7 June 2023
£12/£5 concession – Tickets are available from Ticketsource

The concert presents two short oratorios of the 17th century by Carissimi (Jephte) and his student Charpentier. These are framed by two extraordinary works by De Lalande, written for the funerals of Louis XIV’s children. These ‘grands motets’, settings of the De Profundis and Dies Irae as requiems, draw on rich orchestration and choral forces to deliver some of the richest choral music of the baroque, achieving beauty and devastation in majesty, as the oratorio works do in their sparse biblical tragedy.

NCO Studio Friday Recital Series, 1.15 pm, New College Ante-chapel – TT2023

Welcome to the New Chamber Opera Studio Recital Series which is held on Fridays at 1.15 pm during term time in New College Ante-Chapel. The recital series has been running since 1994 and offers singers across the University and beyond the opportunity to perform a short programme in a relaxed atmosphere.

Week 1 – 28 April
Theo Peters
Week 2 – 5 May
No Recital
Week 3 – 12 May
Amy HigginsCancelled
Week 4 – 19 May
Raphael Maurin
Week 5 – 26 May
Will PriorCancelled
Week 6 – 2 June
Tom Burkill
Week 7 – 9 June
Karol Jozwik
Week 8 – 16 June
Matt Pope

Week 1
Theo Peters
28 April

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Week 2
No Recital
5 May

Week 3
Amy Higgins – Cancelled
12 May

Week 4
Raphael Maurin with Alessandro MacKinnon-Botti
19 May

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Week 5
Will Prior – Cancelled
26 May

Week 6
Tom Burkill with Jamie Andrews
2 June

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Week 7
Karol Jozwik with Elena Stamp
9 June

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Week 8
Matt Pope with Dónal McCann
16 June

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Trinity 2023 Recitals

Fridays, 1.15pm
New College Ante-chapel

28 – Theo Peters

5 – No recital
12 – Amy Higgins – Cancelled
19 – Raphael Maurin
26 – Will Prior

2 – Tom Burkill
9 – Karol Jozwik
16 – Matt Pope

A Domestic Comedy

Leonard Bernstein, Trouble in Tahiti

Conductor: Jamie Andrews
Director: Michael Burden

Ante-chapel, New College
2 & 3 March 2023
£15/£7 concessions from


Sam – Jake Sternberg
Dinah – Melissa Talbot
Trio – Ellie Stamp, Edward Beswick, Ben Gilchrist

Leonard Bernstein’s short opera, Trouble in Tahiti, comes between two bigger works, his 1944 On the Town and Candide of 1956. Described as ‘a candid portrait of the troubled marriage of a young suburban couple’, it tells the story of Sam and Dinah, who are trapped in a suburban, middle-class, consumerist world, desiring love and intimacy, but achieving only marital discord.

The title is from an escapist movie, ‘Trouble in Tahiti’, which Dinah goes to see during the afternoon; in the evening, when they fail to address their marital difficulties, the only solution is to go to cinema – where they see ‘Trouble in Tahiti’. The couple are backed by a static trio, fulfilling the role of a Greek chorus and the score, which draws on songs, jazz rhythms and other popular idioms, is dedicated to Marc Blitzstein.

Two Baroque Masterworks

Pergolesi, Stabat Mater; Vivaldi, Nisi Dominus
Conductor: Luke Mitchell
4 March 2023

Ante-chapel, New College
4 March 2023
£12/£5 concessions from

Maryam Wocial – soprano
Austin Haynes – countertenor

Pergolei’s Stabat Mater of 1736 is one of the best-known 18th-century sacred works. Written by Pergolesi for the Confraternita dei Cavalieri di San Luigi di Palazzo and was one of his last works; he is said to have died just after completing the composition. The work gained considerable attention almost immediately and it circulated widely in printed editions. The Nisi Dominus is a setting of the Latin text of Psalm 127, the title coming from the first two words of psalm text. It was written in the early 1700s for the Ospedale della Pietà, suggesting that although it has been much recorded by with both women and men as soloists, a female voice was probably Vivaldi’s original intention. The score has been described as having the ‘greatest poise and delicacy’.

Summer Opera 2023

33rd Season

Giovanni Paisiello
La Frascatana; or, The Girl from Frascati
Sung in English in a new translation by Simon Rees.


The Band of Instruments
Conductor: Steven Devine
Producer: Michael Burden

June 28 (Preview), July 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 2023
The Warden’s Garden, New College (if wet in the Antechapel)

June 28: (Preview) £35 – Tickets from Ticketsource
July 1: New College Development Office – Sold Out. If you would like to request to be added to the waiting list for this night, please email [email protected]
July 2: Friends of Welsh National Opera – Tickets from Bernadette Whittington, [email protected]; mobile 07813907466
July 4: £44 – Tickets from Ticketsource
July 5: Friends of the Oxford Botanic Gardens – Tickets from FOBG
July 7: New College Development Office – Sold Out. If you would like to request to be added to the waiting list for this night, please email [email protected]


ViolanteEmily Brown Gibson
daughter of a gardener from Frascati
Don FabrizioThomas Humphreys
Violante’s tutor
Nardone Henry Ross
in love with Violante
Cavaliere GiocondoMagnus Walker
betrothed to Donna Stella, also in love with Violante
Donna StellaLara Marie Müller
betrothed to the Cavaliere
LisettaKate Semmens
a waitress, also in love with the Cavaliere
PagnottaThomas Niesser
servant of the Cavaliere

Jamie Andrews
Luke Mitchell

Paisiello’s opera premiered at the Teatro S Samuele in Venice in the autumn 1774, and soon became one of the most popular operas of the 18th century, performed in Italy, France, Austria, and England. The work was reinvented as an opera comique, L’infante de Zamora, was translated into other languages, and was still being performed in 1808. The plot is set in an inn on the outskirts of Rome. Violante – the girl from Frascati – is daughter of a rich gardener from Frascati and who dreams idealistically about love. She fends off the sleezy advances of her tutor, Don Fabrizio, but falls in love with Nardone, a handsome Roman who returns her affections. Also in love with Violante is Cavaliere Giocondo; both lovers cause maximum confusion and jealously by confessing their feelings to Don Fabrizio. The waitress of the inn, Lisetta, falls in love with the Cavaliere … the plot descends into farce as Giocondo’s jilted lover, Donna Stella, arrives, but all efforts to separate Nardone and Violante fail, and reconciled, the lovers are united.

Hilary 2023 Recitals

Fridays, 1.15pm
New College Ante-chapel

20 – Dónal Mcann (cancelled)
27 – Dan Gilchrist

3 – Ellie Stamp
10 – Maurice Cole
17 – William Jeys
24 – Ed Beswick

3 – Archie Inns
10 – Consort (cancelled)

NCO Studio Friday Recital Series, 1.15 pm, New College Ante-chapel – HT2023

Welcome to the New Chamber Opera Studio Recital Series which is held on Fridays at 1.15 pm during term time in New College Ante-Chapel. The recital series has been running since 1994 and offers singers across the University and beyond the opportunity to perform a short programme in a relaxed atmosphere.

Week 1 – 20 January
Dónal Mcann
Week 2 – 27 January
Dan Gilchrist
Week 3 – 3 February
Ellie Stamp
Week 4 – 10 February
Maurice Cole
Week 5 – 17 February
William Jeys
Week 6 – 24 February
Ed Beswick
Week 7 – 3 March
Archie Inns
Week 8 – 10 March
Ellie Stamp

Week 1
Dónal Mcann
20 January

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Week 2
Daniel Gilchrist with Alfred Fardell
27 January

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Week 3
Ellie Stamp
3 February

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Week 4
Maurice Cole with Ed Byrne
10 February

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Week 5
Will Jeys with Jamie Andrews
17 February

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Week 6
Edward Beswick with Alfred Fardell
24 February

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Week 7
Archie Inns with Jake Sternberg
3 March

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Week 8
Ellie Stamp Consort
10 March

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NCO Studio Friday Recital Series, 1.15 pm, New College Ante-chapel – MT2022

Welcome to the New Chamber Opera Studio Recital Series which is held on Fridays at 1.15 pm during term time in New College Ante-Chapel. The recital series has been running since 1994 and offers singers across the University and beyond the opportunity to perform a short programme in a relaxed atmosphere.

Week 1 – 14 October
Elizabeth Nurse
Week 2 – 21 October
Maryam Wocial
Week 3 – 28 October
Austin Haynes
Week 4 – 4 November
Karol Jozwik
Week 5 – 11 November
John Johnston
Week 6 – 18 November
Lizi Vineall
Week 7 – 25 November
Joshua Kenney
Week 8 – 2 December
Francis Brown

Week 1
Elizabeth Nurse with Luke Mitchell
14 October

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Week 2
Maryam Wocial with Will Fox
21 October

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Week 3
Austin Haynes – Cancelled
28 October

Week 4
Karol Jozwik – Cancelled
4 November

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Week 5
John Johnston with Alfred Fardell
11 November

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Week 6
Lizi Vineall with Jessie Edgar
18 November

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Week 7
Joshua Kenney with Alfred Fardell
25 November

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Week 8
Francis Brown with Alexander Pott
2 December

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